Monday, October 3, 2011

Take a break, go to DCWeek and check out innovation

If you need a break from all of the Capstone writing and want to check out some real innovation in DC, I would encourage you to check out Digital Capital Week

This new 10 festival focuses on technology and innovation. I think you will be impressed when you check out the site. I plan to attend a few of the events.

The event is hosted by iStrategyLabs and Techcocktail.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Today I came across a link to this article in Mashable. Facebook is planning a profile redesign but that is not the only change. Accoring to the article, Facebook to Launch "Major Profile Redesign at F8", Facebook will also be launching a new mobile platform.

The new platform is "entirely HTML 5 - based" and it's initial target, according to the article in Techcrunch, is "mobile Safari."

According to the article, Project Spartan, Facebook  will try to "use Apple's own devices against them to break the strangledhold they have on mobile app distribution."  This is exactly what Day and Schoemaker discuss in their article "A Different Game," in the book Wharton on Managing Emerging Technologies, that we discussed in class. As the authors point out, "[s]ome firms manage to overcome the challenges associated with incumbency and avoid being marginalized by a new technology." (pg.3) If this rumor is correct, then Facebook is coming up with a new strategy to retain its autonomy while moving into Apple's disruptive space.

Monday, September 12, 2011

For those students, who are interested in new opportunities, Inside the Network Job Board provides information on employment opportunities working with social and mobile application platforms.